We moved! And I don’t mean moved from the kitchen to the bedroom, I mean moved from one house to another! I can’t say that I was surprised by the actual move, but I can tell you that I was confused. For about a month, Mama and Daddy kept putting stuff in boxes. Things would disappear off of shelves and boxes would pile up around me. Then, we kept going to see this house over and over with a woman named Jess. I didn’t understand why Jess lived in such an empty house and why Mama and Daddy kept visiting her there. Then they told me we were going to leave my old green house and move to this new brown house, but I didn’t understand why we would go live with Jess. I mean she was nice and all, but I think Mama and Daddy had just met her. If they wanted to live with someone, why wouldn’t we just move in with Grandma?
But, I “went with the flow” (why? Why is a flow?) and one day a big truck came and took everything from our old house to our new house. But guess what! Jess wasn’t there anymore! Instead we got a new roommate named Maja. Maja is Mama’s friend who was visiting from England and she was my new roommate. It was a great first week in the new house. Maja played with me a lot and Mommy and Daddy were home a lot from work. The boxes were going from towers to forts, and it didn’t matter how much mess I made because there was always more mess that I didn’t make.
Something else fun happened that first week… we got to take all of our clothes to a place called the “Laundromat” to wash one day. I liked that place because I got to put lots of quarters into the machines and Mama and Daddy let me do that all by myself, and then we went across the street and had a cookie. I couldn’t wait to go back to the Laundromat again, but it turns out that was a one-time only event. Ever since then we do our laundry downstairs at the new house which isn’t as fun. Our machines don’t take quarters.
After the first week I learned that Maja was going back to her own home, and she wasn’t going to be my roommate after all. Now it’s just Mama, Daddy, Mini, Zimby and I in the house just like before. I have found a lot of my toys and most of my books, although some things are still in boxes, but that’s okay because every day I find something new to play with! Here are some things I like about the house:
1. I have my own table in the kitchen
2. I can reach the fork and spoon drawer and now I help unload the dishwasher
3. There are stairs
4. There is grass in the backyard, and a lot of plants that I can water
5. There are no curtains so it’s not dark when I go to bed*
6. Mama now drives me to daycare instead of walking me there. It’s very relaxing.
7. I have my own lawnmower and vacuum!
8. Grandpop comes over a lot to fix stuff. I’m not sure what type of stuff he’s fixin, but it’s nice to see him.
9. I can waive to the neighbors when I’m eating at the dining room table*
*Mama told me to tell you that since I wrote my list, we now have window coverings. So, technically, #5 and #9 are no longer very exciting to me.

1 comment:
Cutest. Blog. Ever. Congrats on the move!!!
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