Monday, May 25, 2009

Super Friends

My Super Friends
(from this side to that side):
Jumping Bean (Dylan); Jumbo-Tron (That's Me); The Enforcer and Pint-Size (Eden and Ari); and The Thinker (Maddie)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Swim Fan*

On Saturday, my mom surprised me and took me to this place she called ‘the pool’. Now, maybe some of you younger readers out there may not know, so let me tell you, a pool is kind of like a bathtub but much bigger and more awesome because there’s no soap and lots of other kids. I’ve never seen so much water in one place! If you’ve never been, you are in for a treat. You should definitely get your mom or dad to take you.

My day started out when mom took me to this weird smelly building and started changing me. I didn’t think anything was unusual until she put these weird shorts on me with no diaper. Now I knew something was up.

Well, pretty soon I found out what because we got into this huge bathtub-type thing that mom called a pool. I was a little scared at first but I put on a brave face for mom in case this was her first time in a pool. Another thing that makes it much better than a regular bathtub is that you can bring all of your friends in with you. So along with me and my mom there was Dylan and Dylan’s dad and Dylan’s mom. I don’t know why Leo and Mini and Zimby didn’t come, though. Maybe next time.

It was so much fun. I got to use the kickboard and float on my back. And then at the end I sat on the edge and jumped in! That was great. I didn’t put my head underwater, though. It’s not that I was scared but I didn’t know how Dylan would handle it and I didn’t want him to freak out. That kid’s got so much energy. I remember how I was at that age. Anyway, it was one of my best days in a long time and I hope I get to go back sometime soon. I also hope my dad can come soon because he always does crazy things with me and I don’t think he’d be as scared as mom.

Check out Mom's grip on me. It's amazing that I can still breathe!

Here's Dylan with his parents. It's after our lesson so he's a little sleepy

I was so tired after swimming! I couldn't wait to get home and take a big long nap

*Thanks to Dad for helping me type this blog, I needed his help with typing and spell check today.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cats Are Awesome!

I know that I've mentioned my cats, Mini and Zimby, before and recently talked about Dylan's dog Leo too. But, I don't think I have told you just how much I LOVE them. When I see any of them walk near me, it makes me so excited I just shake in my socks. Before I can help it I will try to reach out to them, and sometimes even scream for them, even when they are on the other side of the room. They just make me so happy! Sometimes the cats will let me get close, Mini especially, and I will grab hold of her so that I can tell her how much I love her. But before I have the chance to whisper (squeal) in her ear, Daddy will pull me off. I don't know why! I just want to keep her there, and tell her how happy she makes me.

She's pretty tricky too though because she will always come sit right behind me when I'm eating on Mommy's lap so that I know she's there, but the angle is too awkward for me to reach around and grab her. At least I can still be close to her.

Zimby is also really cool and will let me pet her sometimes too, but not as often. I don't even think she's even afraid of me, she just plays super cool and likes to watch over me. In fact when I look at pictures from when I was little I can see that they have always been looking after me!

Zimby was making me so excited just the other day!

Whispering in Mini's ear since I can't reach around to get a real good hold

Mini watching over me the first day I came home!

Here I am only 4 weeks old and you can see Zimby watching me in the background.

Can you believe I was once smaller than Mini??? The picture on the right was taken in February and I was already biggr than her then, but check out the one on the left taken last year! I'm glad they are so nice, because I think they could have gobbled me right up, I was so small!