Yesterday we tried something new. And to be honest, I have no idea what my parents were thinking. First they strapped me down in this new chair I have, so that I can sit at the table. I hate it because the straps stick me in the ears, and my head is barely above the tray. Usually they put toys on it, as if that would entertain me. Instead, the toys just block my vision so I can’t see what’s really going on. It’s like they’re hiding something from me. But yesterday was different. Yesterday they cleaned off the tray and put a gigantic bib on me. Seriously – it was huge!! I may spit up here and there, but come on… is that really necessary? Then, instead of facing the table, my dad turned me towards him and stuck this bowl on the tray with white stuff in it. At first I got all excited because I was pretty sure I was going to eat, but then I couldn’t figure out how that could be since there was no bottle. Next thing I knew he was sticking this long thing into the bowl and then into my mouth! It was really weird because it tasted like the milk I’m used to, but it had a horrible consistency – I think it had gone bad. It really made me want to gag. Talk about ruining an appetite! They tried to put more into my mouth, but I was strong and resisted. I guess it was training to try to get me to stop putting things into my mouth since I’ve been sucking on everything else. Maybe they’re right. I can certainly tell you one thing they aren’t putting into my mouth again...this white runny goop. This morning Mom was going through the whole set-up routine again, so I faked her out and pretended I was hungry for breast milk instead so she forgot about the goop.
Jingle: 1, Parents: 0. I think I’ve taught them a lesson – I’m sure it’s the last time they’ll ever try to do that to me again.
I Showed Them!
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