Later that same day my Mom took me to her aunt and uncle’s house to visit with her cousin Farrah and her daughter Samantha. Samantha is almost the same age as me and I met her when I was really really little. I remember thinking that my cousin Samantha was HUGE. I couldn’t believe I was older than her because she was twice my size. We hadn’t seen her since before Thanksgiving, so when I saw her on Sunday, I was absolutely stunned – because, and you’ll never believe this, I was bigger than her!! Can you believe it?? I know that no one there could believe it because everyone kept talking about it. A lot. I have to show you the pictures below – you will be pretty impressed too, I am sure.
The last thing that makes me realize I am getting bigger has nothing to do with my size, but my tastebuds. (They are things on my tongue that tell me what I like to eat.) Now, I know I told you I would never eat again in my last blog entry, but no one ever told me about Sweet Potatoes! When Mom first pulled this orange stuff out I really thought she had lost it. No way, no way, no way was I going to try to eat that gunk. The other white gunk is bad enough. And now she wanted to give me orange gunk?? NO WAY. But Mom just looked so darn excited when she was weaving the spoon in front of me, I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. Turns out, my Mom was right… I loved it! My tastebuds are definitely getting bigger too.
I am so excited about what’s next. When do you think Dad will let me drive his car?
Check me out on the Swing
Push me higher Dad!!
Before: That's me on the right and Cousin Samantha on the left.
After: That's me on the left, Cousin on the right.
She's a little taller, but I am heavier!!Sweet Potatoes - YES!!!
1 comment:
Aunt Stacy wants an update! Well, I guess I'll have to see the kid in the flesh on Sunday! Hoooraaay!!!!
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