My dad took me to my doctor appointment on Thursday and we found out that I am 12lb. 6 oz. and 23 inches long. Using the math lesson that Grandpa Salvi gave me awhile back, and all my fingers and toes, I was able to figure out that I'm exactly 3 times the size as when I was born. If I keep growing this much I'll be as big as Dad by the time I'm 1! Dad took this photo of me right after they weighed me...

Who's Da Man?!
1 comment:
DinosJacoba/Jacob, wow triple your birth weight! Now that is impressive. The weight looks good on you and obviously you have exceptional mathmatical skills for a five month old. I had a really good time visiting with you and your parents. I guess, I took your bedroom away from you for eight days but I understand you are back in it again. I miss you too. You are so much fun to play with but also just to look at. At your age it seems that you grow and change right before my eyes. I am glad I got to share a part of that change. And now you have a cousin, Joshua. Have you seen his picture? Like you he is very handsome. I hope you and he can get together in the near future and that you can become good buddies. I could not figure out what that big blue bonnet was until I looked really carefully and I see that it is the flowered hat turned inside out. This is a great hat and I have a simalar one that I am going to wear next time we meet. We had a big, huge snow and I have been digging out my driveway. I am one half finished but came in for coffee and a rest. You probably have not yet seen show but it is this white stuff that falls from the sky and covers everything, only in the winter and sometimes it gets so deep that we can't drive in it. That is what is going on here. You will love snow. It is great to play in. Well, back to work. Well, be good to Mom and Dad, take long naps and don't spit up too much. More later. Grandma Janet
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