Saturday, January 31, 2009

My New Digs

So I’m out on my own! That’s right, I finally convinced my parents that it was time to sleep in my own room. They didn’t want to let me go, but I told them that just because I was getting my own room didn’t mean I loved them any less and that I would still visit all the time. Like every day. I mean, I’m four and a half months old, it’s time! Honestly, I love my parents, especially when they blow raspberries on my belly, but they need to give me some space. Sometimes I think parents just don’t understand, you know what I’m saying? I told them that even though I loved sleeping in the same room with them they were always waking me up when they came to bed. My parents stay up until nine or ten every night, can you believe it? They must be some kind of party animals.

They had been promising me for most of my life that I was going to get my own room soon, but they always put if off to another day. First it was, “after the holidays” then it was, “after Grandma Janet leaves” (hi Grandma! I still wear the daisy hat you gave me every day!). Well, you know how parents are, finally I had to put my foot up and point out that Grandma Janet had been gone for three days! So, they finally gave me my own room, and I’m sure they’ll miss me, but it’s time to let me go out on my own and find my place in the world.

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