It has been a really busy couple of weeks, I don’t know where to begin. The biggest news is that Mom went back to work a week and a half ago so that’s been a big adjustment. I’m still not sure what’s going on, but every morning she gets up earlier than she was before and says, “I’m sorry I have to go to work”. For the first couple of days a nice lady was coming to stay with me. She called me Jacobo, which sounds like Hawkobo. She says that’s how you pronounce my name in Spanish.
Then all of a sudden Grandma Janet showed up! I was really surprised to see her because I know that she lives far away. She watched me a lot last week and we had a really fun time together. She would make me laugh and smile by blowing on my belly. At first it felt very strange, but she was laughing so much I figured it must be a good thing, and then it started to tickle. I heard her tell my daddy they were called “raspberries” so I kept looking for something on my belly but then nothing would be there.
Sometimes my dad would stay home with us too and then the three of us would go on little trips together. One day we went to this big place called the “Academy of Sciences” where we saw a rain forest and fish and a dinosaur and my favorite place of all –the planetarium. Oh boy that was exciting!! It looked like a big room, kind of like our living room, but way bigger. Everywhere I looked there were sparkling lights. People were talking and every time I turned my head something would shoot across the screen. I’ve never seen anything like it. I couldn’t even talk afterwards I was so amazed. I kept thinking of how small I am and how much more there is to see.
Then one day, when mom was home again, the four of us went up to see Grandpop and Nana Smith. On the way there we stopped and had lunch in a town and it was so sunny that I got a new hat. I think I might have this hat for the rest of my life it is so big. We also went to another place called a “winery” but they wouldn’t let me have anything to drink there. Maybe next year I will be old enough.
Grandma Janet left today and I was really sad. I cried a lot after she left. I think I made my dad nervous because he will be taking care of me all by himself for awhile, but I was so sad I just couldn’t stop. I hope Grandma Janet knows how much fun I had with her. I promise I’ll be better for my dad too starting tomorrow since I got all my cries out today.
Here are some recent photos my parents took with their new iPhones. They are always talking about how cool their iPhones are, and before that they talked about how great iTunes was. I hope that someday I can become an iBaby.

Chillin' in the rain forest

Grandma tickling my belly

My new sun hat

Hangin' with Mom

Ready for 6 weeks of fun with Dad!