First, on Friday, we went to the Academy of Sciences to say hi to the fishes and butterflies, and we were also lucky and saw the white alligator. (I’m not sure why we were lucky – it’s the only alligator I’ve ever seen – aren’t they all white?) Then on Saturday, I watched while Mommy and Daddy cleaned all day to get ready for my party on Sunday. It was a really great party if I do say so myself. All my California grandparents came, as well as Aunt Stacy, and Dylan and his parents. Daddy made me special carrot cake and I was so impressed to learn that vegetables could be turned into cake. I think my dad is a magician. But the best part about my birthday, and something that no one bothered to tell me beforehand, was all the presents I got! People gave me things just because! Not only the party people, but also all my Indiana family sent me gifts too. I can’t believe how nice everyone is around birthdays, and it really makes me look forward to the next one! Finally, on Monday, Mommy and Daddy took me to a really nice park in our neighborhood, and since I'm a grown-up 1 year-old, they let me go down a big slide. But, I had to ride with my parents because they were scared of the twists and turns. All in all, it was the best birthday I’ve ever had.

We found this big secret room at the Academy where no one else was and I got to practice walking all over the place with Daddy. You should see me now though, I can almost walk by myself by holding just one hand.

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