Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's a Pretty Good Day, I'm Looking Forward To Tomorrow....

When you were littler do you remember listening to music with your parents during long road trips? I do. I remember this one song that Mama and Daddy liked to listen to on our last road trip by Luce and it has the lyrics "It's a Pretty Good Day, I'm Looking Forward To Tomorrow" and it's a catchy little tune. I didn't really pay attention to it when we were in the car, but then yesterday I as having a really good day with Nanny and I thought of the song. Because even though I was having a great time with Nanny I knew that the next day (now, today) would be even better because it is Halloween and I would be with my parents. I haven't done my tricking and treating yet, and i'm saving my costume for a surprise for later, but I did want to share with you my adventures from yesterday.

Our neighborhood rec center had a Halloween Potluck so Nanny and I went together to eat and play with the other kids. I had a really fun time because I love going to the rec center - it has so many cool toys! Big cars and slides and blocks... I can't even remember everything I play with. But yesterday was even cooler because there was also FOOD! Toys and Food... do you see why I thought it was a pretty good day??

I brought brownies to the potluck (and I couldn't wait to eat them!)

There were chairs that were my size there so I didn't have to sit in a high-chair.
I felt like a big grown-up.

"pssst... don't look now but there's a kid wearing a tiger costume to my right"

"Did you see that?? I went down the slide by myself!!"

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