Thursday, August 20, 2009

Peek A Boo

This morning I decided to play a trick on Mom. I wanted to hide from her when she went into the kitchen. I was in my bedroom, so I crawled to my bedroom door and shut it so that when she came back again she wouldn’t be able to see me and wouldn’t know where I was. But, as I was waiting for her to come back, I just got too excited about my plan. I was trying to be very quiet and not let any giggle escape, but as soon as I heard her start to look for me I couldn’t keep quiet! And then, when I heard her coming, I wasn’t really sure if she was coming to my room, or going into her room which is right next door, so I kept peeking out to check. I think she saw me, but I’m not too sure. What do you think?

1 comment:

gokittygo said...

Funny- it sounds just like he is saying, "I'm right here!"