Sunday, July 19, 2009

JSI Twins

This past trip to Indiana was very special for me for a couple of reasons. Number One, my daddy and I went by ourselves for part of the trip so we had special bonding time and Number Two, I finally got to meet my new cousin Joshua. I have been waiting for over 5 months to meet him!

Joshua’s Daddy is my Daddy’s brother and they are also good friends. They are so close that without even planning it, they gave Joshua and I the same initials (JSI). It’s like we’re connected or something. I have to tell you a secret that I haven’t told anyone else… Since our daddys are brothers and we have the same initials, I thought we’d be twins. And so I was very shocked when I met him. He has dark hair and eyebrows! Once I got over my surprise I realized that it didn’t matter and we’d be friends anyway. At least I think so…we kept getting interrupted by our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, who also wanted to play with us. Next time I see Joshua, I think we’ll have to tell the rest of the family that they need to give us some of our own time to bond, just like Daddy and I had time to bond on our trip.

Joshua and Me: First Cousins

Me, Daddy and Grandma went to the zoo and I was very interested in the bears here. Do you think Momma and Daddy will let me have a bear when I'm older? I promise to feed it everyday.

Daddy, Me, Aunt Evelyn, Joshua, and Aunt Elaine (Joshua's Mommy)

Do you see how they kept crowding me and wouldn't let me play with Joshua???

Me and Grandad

Me and Aunt Stephanie

Do You Think Anyone Will Notice We Are Wearing The Same Outfit?

1 comment:

sactownkid said...

Mingles, your son is so freakin' adorable!!!