I think that my family is growing everyday! Just when I feel like I’ve met them all, someone else is introduced. My first family is Daddy, Momma, Mini and Zimby. I have seen them everyday since I was born. I also have many grandparents who live all over the place. I don’t need anyone to explain to me how lucky I am to have them. One of my favorite books is called “Love is a Handful of Honey” and when I can hold a crayon I’m going to write one called “Love Is Having A Lot of Grandparents.” I think it will be a best seller. I have aunts, uncles and cousins too but I have to admit I get confused by them. Joshua is my cousin and his parents are my Aunt and Uncle. Samantha is my cousin too but her parents are not my Aunt and Uncle. Aunt Stephanie’s mom is my Grandma, but Aunt Stacy’s Mom is not. Aunt Stacy’s mom is a huge fan of my blog and treats me like a rockstar, so does that make her my Great-Aunt-Cousin-Fan? I just don’t know. And then what makes someone so great? I have Great Aunts, but no matter how great I think my Grandpas are they would never let me call them Great Grandpa. Will this make more sense when I get older?
And that’s just my family, so don’t even get me started on my Mommy and Daddy’s friends. There are so many faces to remember and I don’t know their names because everytime I’m introduced, my parents just say, “This is Jacob.” Don’t they know they should introduce the other person too? When I can talk, I’ll tell my parents to be more polite. Until then I will remember as much as I can… the tall one, the loud one, the one with pretty hair, the one who makes me laugh, and the one who looks like mom… When I think about all of these people I realize what a lucky boy I am. Why do you think I smile so much?

What can I say? Every Rockstar has his fans...

Me with My Great Aunt

Feelin' a Little Fuzzy about the People in this Picture.
Friends or Family? I just don't know
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