Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

A few days ago I heard people talking about “Resolutions” so I asked Daddy what that meant, and he said that they are promises of things you will do in the next year. I thought this was a really neat idea because there are many things that I want to do this year!

So, without further ‘adue’, here are my promises for Year 2010:

1. I will learn to take my shirt off by myself
2. I will walk all the way around my block without help (So far I can go half the way)
3. I will learn to run
4. I will figure out how to open doors
5. I will figure out why the star-shaped block will not fit into the square shaped hole
6. I will memorize the words to “Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round”
7. I will figure out how to avoid having my diaper changed
8. My parents say that we are going to Italy this year so I will learn how to say Leche in Italian
9. I will walk up and down stairs (without anyone’s help!)
10. I will learn to ride the cats


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great blog, Jingle! Keep it coming!
Keep us posted!