Okay, first things first, I was officially bigger then the turkey this year! Last year I remember feeling a little scared that my whole family was really excited to get together and eat a bird that was bigger then I was. I mean, if they could do that – what would they do to little young me? But, this year that bird looked practically like a pigeon compared to me – ha! Take that you big turkey – gobble, gobble, gobble! However, I must say that I have a new found respect for Mr. Turkey. I kept hearing people say he did this trick called “Trip The Fan” which put everyone asleep when they ate his meat. I really wanted to see this happen, but guess what? Mr. Turkey put me asleep by just looking at him! The minute dinner was served he Trip The Fan’d me and I had to take a nap right away – I didn’t even get to eat any of him!
Before that though, I had a great Thanksgiving. I got all dressed up to go to Grandma’s house and wore my best bowtie. (Ha ha! Got you! I only have one bowtie!) When we got to Grandma’s house I was surprised to see a big box of blocks and a train to play with. I walked around the house on the train and said hello to all the people I hadn’t seen since summer time. And do you know what the best part about the party was? I’m starting to recognize people! I may be little, but I think that is something to be thankful for. Pretty soon I will know everyone and I won’t have to worry about walking into a room full of strangers staring at me. Because honestly, when that happens, I wish I could TripTheFan them like Mr. Turkey.

Showing Daddy how to drive the train (but he's not paying attention)

I'll tell you one thing that's not for the birds. Walking!!

Hanging with the ladies

This guy is my hero. No tripthefan for him.
Take that Turkey! Gobble, gobble, gobble!

After my nap I removed my tie, took off my shoes and tickled the ivories!
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