If you look real closely at the picture below you can see that I have a lot of vehicles that are used for construction on my shirt...tow truck, cement truck, flat bed truck... and it got me thinking about transportation. Of course there's the usual modes of transportation that I use - stroller, baby carrier, car... but lately Mom has taken me on other exciting modes of transportation as well. Last month we rode BART for the first time when we went downtown to meet her coworkers. I guess technically, I was in two modes of transportation - I was in my stroller AND on BART. Truthfully though, it put me to sleep so quickly that I don't really remember the ride. I was really glad that I could stay in my own seat and not sit directly on the scuzzy chairs.Last week Mom and I went for a really long walk, but then she got tired and didn't want to push me back up and over the hill so we took the bus home!! That was a lot more exciting than BART since it stopped and started a lot and Mom had to lock my stroller wheels so I wouldn't roll around (although that might have been fun too). There were also interesting people riding the bus with us. When we got to our stop, Mom carried me off the bus and my pink toy got stuck in 'giggle' mode as we walked away. It even made me want to laugh.
Unfortunately yesterday when I wore my truck shirt I pee'd through it before we left the house, so ironically I couldn't wear it on any modes of transportation!
Thinking about modes of transportation
Riding BART right before I fell asleep
Riding the bus (notice my pink giggly toy on the right!)
Wow! what a lot of adventures you have had for such a young man. Sounds like you are keeping mom and dad busy or they are keeping you busy? I just have two comments, in some earlier pictures I say a very attractive young lady in a brown sweater. You should keep your eye on her, she is a doll. Also, I noticed that in one photo, your rear end looks, how shall I put this delicately, rather large for such a small man. Since this physical condition "large rear" is genitic on your father's side, don't let this get out of control. There are exercises you could do, well eventually. I bought your Christmas presents on Saturday and I am so excited about whether you will like them. I hope so. You are getting quite handsome and your new smile is really great. More later.
oh Grandma... now you are just embarrassing me! Don't worry though, I'm still so excited to meet you and will be there in 8 days!!!
"Large rear"!!!
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