There’s something funny happening at my house. For some reason there is a tree in our front room.

Maybe my parents were inspired by our trip to Sierraville and are trying to bring the forest into our house. At night our tree lights up – do all trees light up at night? Does anyone know? Their tree also has all these weird things hanging from it. Some of them are sparkly, some of them are round but I don’t know what they are. Maybe they are “elves” or “reindeer” which my parents keep talking about. And what’s the deal with Santa? They were so excited for me to meet him, but he’s just this old guy dressed in red. Let’s just say I was not impressed. I’m much more impressed by this sparkly tree growing in our house. Mini sure seems to like it too and guards it when we go to bed at night.
I’ve also noticed that there are boxes and bags under the tree. And each day there is at least one more than the day before – I just can’t figure it out. Is Mini putting them there? Maybe she’s dragging them in from outside like I see her dragging in moths.
And what’s the difference between Halloween and Christmas? We went to Grandpop and Nana’s house over the weekend and they made me wear a snowman costume. I thought costumes were for Halloween. But everyone seemed so happy taking pictures of me in my snowman suit that I decided to just deal with it. Grandpop and Nana also had a bunch of lights in their house which I continue to find fascinating. They also had a stuffed Santa – again, I’m not sure of the significance of this guy, but he’s growing on me.
Grandpop and Nana had colorful bags and boxes too so I guess Mini beat us up there to bring them into the house. When I went to bed they were in front of the fireplace, but when I woke up they were all gone and in their place were toys and the snowman costume. Christmas truly is a magical time.
Staring at the lights on the tree

Still Staring...

Mini guarding the tree and bags that she bring in.

Me and the Big Guy

Making The Parents Happy. Ho Ho Ho...