Sunday, November 30, 2008

Secret Admirer Strikes Again

The other day my mom asked my dad an odd question…she asked him “Do you think we need to explain what ‘love’ is to a child, or do they just know?” She was wondering since we say “I love you” a lot at our house, but didn’t know if when I get older I will automatically know what that means. Then as shear coincidence we got another mystery book in the mail that same day titled Love is a Handful of Honey, and it was all about love! I don’t know who keeps sending me these books in the mail, but they are very special and I’m really enjoying them. Between hugs and kisses and books like these, I will have no problem understanding what love is.

If you know who my secret admirer might be, please let me know so that I can thank them. I love you.


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