Right after Thanksgiving was over I started to get the feeling that something was up. My parents seemed really excited and they just wanted to get out and do things. I’m the opposite though. On the weekends, I like to get up early, watch Dora, eat my morning banana, have breakfast and then just lounge around the house. There are very few things that make me want to get out of my PJs on the weekend. In fact I can think of one thing – going to the park. So, when Mama started hinting at “let’s get a tree!” I can’t say I was all that up for it. It had been raining that weekend, and even if it wasn’t, she always makes me wear a jacket and a hat, and it just seems like so…much…effort. But, eventually they got me to go, and I’m glad they did! We picked out our perfect tree at a lot nearby, and then I helped Mama and Daddy hold it on top of the car when we drove home. At that point, I was confused by all the fuss, because then they just left it in the front yard for a while and I thought, “that’s it, we got a tree to stand next to our garbage cans??” But, then Daddy brought the tree inside and I realized that we had just bought a new plant for me to water (I love watering the plants).
But then a couple nights later, it got even better because we decorated it!! Supposedly we had a tree the last two years, but I don’t remember it. But Mama and Daddy kept showing me these ornaments that had my picture on them, so they must have been telling me the truth. I did a really good job decorating my little corner of the tree if I do say so myself. There was Santa, and a reindeer, and a teddy bear, and a picture of Mini… Daddy kept handing me this ornament of Bart Simpson that he was all excited about, but I didn’t care for that one much. It was just an old yellow man holding a mug.
My favorite tree though, was not the one we decorated, but it was the little ceramic one that Mama put in my room. Every night they would turn it on and all the pretty lights would shine. That was my own special tree. I wish I could have it there all year, but I guess then it wouldn’t be special anymore would it?
I have a whole lot more to tell you about Christmas, but I’m going to save it for another entry. Like I said earlier, Christmas lasted forever, and I’m afraid if I write about all of it now, you’ll just think it was like a day or two. But it really lasted for like a month.
Daddy and I picked out the perfect tree.
I really had to concentrate, but it was worth the effort.