At the beginning of the month I had my birthday, and it was so overwhelming, I don’t know where to begin. I turned 2! That means I’m twice as old as last year, twice as tall, twice as heavy, twice as good looking, and I have twice as many cats. Haha, got you on that last one – I had 2 cats last year too! It also means that I got twice as many birthday parties, with twice times twice as many people!
The first party was on my real birthday with my daily peeps – there was Mama and Daddy and D and his parents. Nanny, Sister Nanny, and Nanny Husband also came. This last guy was my guest of honor. He is so cool, he just makes me feel cool being in his presents. He’s tall, plays in a band and wears cool hats. You really can’t get much better then that.

Twice the Coolness
Then TWO days later, I had a birthday party with more friends. I wish that Nanny Husband had also come to this party to boost my coolness, because there were a lot of ladies at the party and they made me a little nervous. I mean they were older ladies – like 5 and 6 years old!! It made me feel shy because they were so pretty. Fortunately Didi also came to this party and Buddy J was there too, so I wasn’t totally surrounded by the Niñas . And my cousin came too. She’s my age, and I like her a lot even though I don’t get to see her as often. She was the first to arrive and played quietly in my room while I made the decision whether or not I wanted to get out of my crib to attend the party.

Mama and Daddy were so excited. They made the house look pretty with Elmo all around. I didn’t have the heart to tell them that my favorite is really Dora, so I kept that news to myself. But, I wouldn’t let Mama put on the new Elmo shirt they bought me because I didn’t want to betray my love for Dora.

"I will NOT wear the Elmo shirt! I don't care what goofy shirts you choose to wear!!"
During the party, I got to draw, eat cake and watch while my guests picked up toys that fell out of Elmo’s bottom. (haha, just kidding – it was really a piñata!) Then at the end people wanted me to open presents. Luckily some of my girlfriends helped me because it would have been too much to do it myself. I got some really great toys and clothes. The biggest gifts were a wagon and a tricycle!

Seriously though, doesn't it look like things are coming out of his bottom?
My California Grandparents came over after the birthday party and we went out to pizza. I really wanted to be more entertaining for them, but I was so tired from the day, that I could barely move. I just concentrated really hard on keeping my eyes open so they’d think I was awake, while I dreamed of being asleep back home. Finally we went home, and I was asleep twice as fast as usual, and my big double-party fiesta-filled time was over.
My favorite part of all the birthdays was when people would sing to me, I loved that! In fact you can sing to me all year if you want. But, I think I’ll stay 2 for awhile, because it will take me a long time to build up to three birthdays next year.