For those of you who may not remember, I was not born with a lot of hair.
Of course, this has never bothered me, I mean why should I care?
I’ve always been given lots of cool hats, so people didn’t see my head much when I was outside anyway.
But then as I got older, I noticed that I was getting more and more hair, and I kind of liked it.
I got to brush it, and I don’t even mind when it’s washed.
Me and my hair were growing along just fine until I started to hear whisperings of ‘haircut’.
My mama tried to make it sound fun by calling it "snip snip" and talking it up like we were going to the park, but I was onto her.
The problem was, I just didn’t know when.
Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t scared about it –no, not me – but I just didn’t understand why I had to cut it in the first place.
I mean look at how great my hair was looking!
But then, the day came…
A couple weeks ago, my parents got up early on a Saturday all excited.
They seemed to be hush hush about it though which always makes my alarm bells scream. Uh oh… what were they up to. And then I heard mom say those words…”snip snip” and I knew my life would never be the same. Suddenly she had the camera out and was saying something about “pre-photos”.
And then we went to the place. My parents were definitely more excited then me. I know they thought the place was so cool with its car-shaped chairs and mirrors all over the place, but I was not impressed. The only thing that I liked was the fact that I got to watch Sesame Street the whole time. As long as I watched the TV, I would try to forget about the haircut. But if I didn’t watch TV I’d get really sad that they were cutting off all of my hard-earned hair. And ok, I’ll admit, I did get a little scared when I heard the ‘snip snip’ around my ears.

Thank Goodness for Sesame Street, you know what I'm talking about?

Honestly, who needs this many mirrors? If the TV is on, who cares!

Here's my post-photo.
(Don't tell Mama and Daddy, but I'm pretty proud of my new hair)
I kept my wits about me and knew that I could probably get whatever I wanted for this, so I played my cards right, and as soon as she was done cutting my hair, I said that magic word… “cookie”.

How could they resist this face?