Thursday, July 15, 2010

I Am In Love

This entry is dedicated to the nina I heart.

Her style inspires me!

And she gives the best hugs.

She speaks, yet she says nothing. What of that?

"Oh, Miss P, why do you have to live so far away in Sailing, Oregon?"

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jingle Takes Cago

Oh wose me, how time flys away! Here I am approaching 2, and I haven't even told you about the last few months. That's like dog ears in my life!

So, what I wanted to share is about my trip to Chicago last April. I like to call the city 'Cago' because I feel so friendly with it now. My mom, dad and I flew there on an airplane where we met up with Grandma. I didn't remember Grandma from when I was little so was a little scared at first, but I quickly realized that she was important. By the first day I knew that Mama, Daddy and Grandma made up my circle and I had to keep track of them at all times. That was my job. Mama made it difficult because she would leave for work but as long as I knew she was coming back I was ok. I never let Daddy and Grandma out of my site though. We even all stayed in one room together at night! I had a very special place all for me, called the "closet", which I loved!! In the morning I would peek out and see all of them sleeping soundly. They looked so peaceful, I just couldn’t resist waking them up.

The busses in that city made a great impression on me – I will always think of them. We took them all over the place – to the zoo, to the park, to the museums. In fact they inspired me so much I said my first sentence. Grandma was singing my favorite song, Wheels on the Bus, and she sang, “The driver on the bus says…” when all of a sudden it occurred to me that I knew! “MOVE ON BACK” I shouted excitedly. I even did the important hand movements to show I was pushing people back. Man, bus drivers have the best jobs…

Like I said, this trip was dog ears ago, it’s hard for me to remember everything, but one thing I won’t forget from now on is Grandma. Every time I see her pictures fly up on my computer I say “Grandma!” I hope I get to see her again soon.

"Good Mooorning Everyone! Wake uuppp!"

"Oooooh ... I Love Flowers..."

"What? Haven't you ever seen a guy getting his wallet together before the big night out?"

Mama and Daddy look so happy.
We should go away together more often.

This is my favorite picture because the whole circle is complete.
Me and my groupies.