Saturday, January 30, 2010

Winter Cleaning

Oh woe is me. I haven’t been able to write in my blog for a long time because I’ve been too busy cleaning the house. It started back at Christmas time when I had to help my parents straighten up and it just seems never ending since then. Part of the challenge is deciding where to put things. Take the shoes for example. When I see the shoes in the kitchen I want to straighten up by taking them all out of their little boxes and piling them on the floor, because then they are all in one place. But then I’m not so sure because Mama’s pretty pink slippers don’t look like they belong with the shoes on the floor so I put them back on the shelf. And then I see my little shoes among the big shoes and I think that they look out of place so I want to put them in my room. But then, on the way to my room, I see the laundry room, and that looks like a good place for shoes too. And that gets me thinking some more…so I go to my parents’ closet where most of Dad’s shoes are and decide that they need to be cleaned. This took me awhile, but one night, I took most of dad’s shoes (one by one because they are heavy) and I put them in the dryer. I would have put them in the washer but I can’t reach that unless Mama lets me sit on the dryer and help her throw things in. Anyway, I put all of Dad’s shoes in the dryer so at least they could go for a spin and maybe get a little cleaner. That was a great idea wasn’t it?

Speaking of laundry – I love doing laundry. That’s my favorite thing of all. I love helping Mom throw the dirty clothes into the washer, and I’m very good at it if I do say so myself. It seems like we could do so much more laundry though, so when I see a pile of laundry on the couch I take the clothes and throw them in the laundry room to help out. I also like to help out with the Tupperware. I can tell Mama likes to reorganize the Tupperware a lot so I will take it all out of the cabinet for her so she can put it back in.

I also like rearranging my drawers. My parents and Nanny always put my clothes away, but they never ask me where I want them to be. For example, they put all the sheets in the bottom drawer that I can reach the easiest, but who cares about sheets? I want to be able to reach my clothes! So, sometimes I’ll pull everything out so that I can reach the clothes better. The socks are higher up and harder to reach too, but I don’t mind that because I know where they belong, so anytime I find socks around the house (in my room, on my feet, in the laundry room) I take them in my mouth over to the sock drawer. Do you see how helpful I am??

And finally, there is the constant clean-up of my formula cans. I have to tell you, I really love these. I don’t know what it is that attracts me so much but I just have to have them. I liked them so much they finally got their own special drawer that I can reach! So, now, I can take them out when I want to, stack them up, move them around from room to room, and when I’m all done I can put them back again. Honestly, I just don’t know what Mama and Daddy ever did without me.

Inspecting my hard work

Washing the Windows

Cleaning out my drawers....

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

A few days ago I heard people talking about “Resolutions” so I asked Daddy what that meant, and he said that they are promises of things you will do in the next year. I thought this was a really neat idea because there are many things that I want to do this year!

So, without further ‘adue’, here are my promises for Year 2010:

1. I will learn to take my shirt off by myself
2. I will walk all the way around my block without help (So far I can go half the way)
3. I will learn to run
4. I will figure out how to open doors
5. I will figure out why the star-shaped block will not fit into the square shaped hole
6. I will memorize the words to “Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round”
7. I will figure out how to avoid having my diaper changed
8. My parents say that we are going to Italy this year so I will learn how to say Leche in Italian
9. I will walk up and down stairs (without anyone’s help!)
10. I will learn to ride the cats