Speaking of laundry – I love doing laundry. That’s my favorite thing of all. I love helping Mom throw the dirty clothes into the washer, and I’m very good at it if I do say so myself. It seems like we could do so much more laundry though, so when I see a pile of laundry on the couch I take the clothes and throw them in the laundry room to help out. I also like to help out with the Tupperware. I can tell Mama likes to reorganize the Tupperware a lot so I will take it all out of the cabinet for her so she can put it back in.
I also like rearranging my drawers. My parents and Nanny always put my clothes away, but they never ask me where I want them to be. For example, they put all the sheets in the bottom drawer that I can reach the easiest, but who cares about sheets? I want to be able to reach my clothes! So, sometimes I’ll pull everything out so that I can reach the clothes better. The socks are higher up and harder to reach too, but I don’t mind that because I know where they belong,

And finally, there is the constant clean-up of my formula cans. I have to tell you, I really love these. I don’t know what it is that attracts me so much but I just have to have them. I liked them so much they finally got their own special drawer that I can reach! So, now, I can take them out when I want to, stack them up, move them around from room to room, and when I’m all done I can put them back again. Honestly, I just don’t know what Mama and Daddy ever did without me.