In the morning, Mama, Daddy and I walked down to ‘Mini Park’ by my house. (It’s called that because it’s named after my cat, Mini.) We walked all around the sand and the logs, and then I showed them my new trick of swinging on a bar. I’ll put the video below in case you want to see it too.
In the afternoon we went to Aunt Stacy’s mom’s house for Thanksgiving and there were a lot of people there. A lot of big people. For the most part I spent the time playing in the office because if I walked around the house I just spent my time looking at everyone’s knees and really – what fun is that? I was kind of nervous that I’d be bored since I was the only kid there, but you’ll see from the pictures below that maybe I was one of the more mature ones there! Everyone talked so much the ‘really big meal’ and ‘ohh, a Turkey….’ that by the time we ate I was over it. There was just so much prep to get the food on the table that sitting down seemed like such a bore. I wanted to play instead. So, I did. Mama and Daddy tried to eat for a little bit but I convinced Daddy that it was much better to play with me then eat. He must have agreed because he ate really fast and joined me for playtime again. I love my dad.
The grown-ups liked eating so much that they stayed at the table and continued to talk to each other. I just can’t figure out what they talk about! I mean, once you talk about what color you’re wearing, where everyone is in the room, and who’s driving the car home – what more is there to talk about? I guess you could always talk about the latest episode of Dora, but somehow I didn’t think those big people with the knees watched that show too.

Who has wine and who has a plastic bag on his head?
That's what I'm talking about....
Example #2 of why I might be more mature:
Who is trying to eat my head with a dinosaur?
Enough said.
Here's my trick on the bar. Next up: trying this on more then one bar!