Last month my parents were really busy with their activities. I'm still not exactly sure what they were doing but they kept leaving me with Grandma or Grandpop and said they were doing "shows". But now they are done and I was really excited for last weekend because we were going to get to spend a lot of time together. I couldn't wait for all the fun things we were going to do, like going to the park, walking up and down the street, pushing boxes around the house, and playing cymbals. So, you can imagine my disappointment when my mom announced that we were going shopping. "Shopping?!" Momma didn't mention however
where we were going shopping...
On Saturday we went to a place called
826 Valencia, and I have to tell you that this is my favoritest store
ever. They sell drawers - all kinds of drawers. And the best part is they let me open and shut these drawers as much as I wanted AND there was great stuff inside. There were coins, and lemons, and paper, and snakes. You might think I'm kidding, but I am not. I'm not sure who would want to buy a drawer full of snakes, but what a great idea!
Then, on Sunday, we went shoe shopping for Momma. I must admit - I had extremely low expectations of this adventure. Momma was really excited, but daddy looked pretty ho-hum about the whole thing. And I will believe anything that my daddy tells me - he is my hero. But I put on a face and we all went downtown together. At first it was b-o-r-i-n-g, (that spells "boring") but then I got to walk around, and when I started looking at all the shoes I realized that they were all messed up and I decided to help straighten them. For example, Momma left her shoes on the ground when she was trying on other ones, and I helped her clean up by putting them on the table with the other shoes. Once I started helping out, I forgot how boring it was and actually had fun. In fact, I might even say that it was my second favoritest store - right after the drawer store.

"Bah! Look at all these drawers!!"

This drawer had treasure in it!


"Seriously Mom? We are going to spend the day shoe shopping?"

That's better - now all the shoes are off the ground

I may have just gone to my two favorite stores,
but nothing, nothing, compares to playing the cymbals